110. BSF - what this study does for me, week after week, blessing me, convicting me, helping me to focus on what truly is priority, what a comfort it is to me that it will be there every week - it's not going to end in 6 weeks or 10 weeks and then what next....It is steadfast!
111. time to take out Amy B., who has been such a steadfast friend to me over the years....Was it truly 10 years ago that we sat in the nursery, trying to make small talk, while we nursed our babies (Ben & Josef)???
112. watching an awesome production of Beauty and the Beast, which my nephew and niece were a part of!! How blessed I am to have such awesome role models for my children...
113. a broken lamp, a found "key", the whispered voice of the Holy Spirit in my heart as I worked to salvage something I've held dear, friends who are willing to get their fingers superglued to help out...
114. God....who am I that You are mindful of me??!!! How I've dwelt in this concept all week...one moment crying at the thought, the next laughing at the joy of it....
115. worship team devotions....sharing...praying...striving towards truly having God work thru us...
116. conviction....hearing His voice, "Charli...why does it matter to you so much that you are liked, preferred, the best? That is not humility, that is pride...Recognize it by what it truly is..." "You're right Lord, my desire to MATTER seeps into everything...help me...change me....let me be joyful while others shine and in being nothing but obedient."
“Let us watch against pride in every shape – pride of intellect, pride of wealth, pride of our own goodness. Nothing is so likely to keep a man out of heaven, and prevent him from seeing Christ, as pride. So long as we think we are something we shall never be saved. Let us pray for and cultivate humility; let us seek to know ourselves correctly, and to find out our place in the sight of a holy God.”
~ J.C. Ryle
117. turkey, gravy and potatoes!!118. Sinnaeve family....Mom & Dad Sinnaeve...how they love....
119. Maggie curling up at my feet each night
120. watching my children grow in their walk and awareness of God...especially the growth Isaiah shared this past week from Bible Quizzing and Maddie's prayer to "see/hear" God more each day and how it was answered this morning when Nate hit her in the head w/ a stick and cut her forehead open.
121. Hedgie's gentler side, sitting in my hand quietly while she eats treats, less huffing and prickles, more cuteness
122. newest addition to our home, Dude, the painted baby turtle....
123. playing guitar, thank you Lord for enabling me to do what I can, help me not to compare myself, but to just take joy in it

1 comment:
What a great list of thanksgiving! It's so great to have friendships that last 10 years... through times of rain & drought. God is so good!
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