Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Multitude Mondays #2

Isn't God good? As I was sweeping the wood floors this morning and mumbling, "How can we get so much dirt each day?", other things from this last week came to mind that I am thankful for.....

103. never-ending sweeping that gives me time to reflect
104. working w/ my boys at Mrs. Lazet's...thankful that she gives us opportunities to "swap" for lessons....
105. the time Mrs. Lazet sat on her front porch and we all stood around talking...hearing what a blessing to her our work was....
106. resuming book study w/ my sweet neighbors last week - a time to challenge and reflect on how we are "fitting" God into our lives vs is He ruling in our lives?
107. membership to Greenfield Village and going there w/ friends
108. the joy of finally riding in the horse-drawn carriage and model-T's! What fun!

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1 comment:

chippy said...

I want to go to Greenfield Village!


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