82. the words coming from Nate, "You're a good Mom", as he's licking the muffin batter bowl clean
83. watching my kids tromp off down our driveway and into the woods on an adventure with friends
84. heat - our pellet burning is a dream for me!
85. hearing the excitment in Jake & Noah's voice, telling me how they saw a Piliated Woodpecker in the woods and a fresh buck scraping on a tree. Noah commenting, "My mom's going to be jealous when I tell her we saw the Piliated." I was jealous too!
86. helping Jake & Isaiah study for upcoming Quizmeet and just hearing scripture roll off their tongues. Praying at the same time that they'll use that scripture when they see sin in their lives or when they are struggling.
87. another reminder this week (at Servant Team Meeting) that I am not everything to everyone - shape my heart Lord so that I receive it and allow another piece of Charli to die so that You grow in my stead.
88. answered prayers for the Weldons to have work - "Open your mouth and I will fill it, declares the Lord"
89. warm fall days
90. devotion time at worship practice this week - seeing the hearts and lives of those there wanting more and more of HIM
91. reminder today in church that the Word teaches parents to not exasperate their children - the conviction that too often I do that with my oldest - even today that reminder held my tongue

1 comment:
I second it... you are a good mom!
Love your list!
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