Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I Cannot Shut Him Out

“Men entertain thoughts in private, and say words in private, and do acts in private, which they would be ashamed and blush to have exposed before the world. There is an all-seeing Witness with us wherever we go. Lock the door, draw down the blind, shut the shutters, put out the candle; it matters not, it makes no difference; God is everywhere, you cannot shut Him out or prevent His seeing.”
~ J.C. Ryle

Having one of those days where I am so aware of how insecure I am. As much as I try to hide my jealousy, pretend I don't lay a claim on a friend or a thing, it's all there. It seeps through my polite smile and whether I ever say the truth outloud or not, I know in my heart I struggle with those sins. How convicting this quote was to me and how timely. Help me to always confess my sins before those dear to me and to my Father, then pray fervently that God would change me - Help me to love, when I want to dislike, help me to be kind, when I want to ignore, help me to be happy for others even when it doesn't involve me, help me to remember nothing is mine, it's all His....More of Him....more of Him.
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1 comment:

chippy said...

Love that qoute & your prayer!


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