Today I read this post from Joshua Harris and it was like His voice encouraging me to remember what church is about and my purpose there.....
Do you love the church? Romans 12:10 tells Christians to "Love one another with brotherly affection."
The affection and love we're to have for fellow-Christians is to be based on the work of Jesus Christ for us. It's not about elitism, it's not because Christians are better than anyone else, it certainly isn't because Christians are necessarily more lovable. We love the church because we love the Savior who redeemed the church.
Acts 20:28 tells us that Jesus obtained the church with his own blood. Is this what your love for the church is based on? If it's anything less, it won't last long.
* Don't love the church because of what it does for you. Because sooner or later it won't do enough.
* Don't love the church because of a leader. Because human leaders are fallible and will let you down.
* Don't love the church because of a program or a building or activities because all those things get old.
* Don't love the church because of a certain group of friends because friendships change and people move.
Love the church because of who shed his blood to obtain the church. Love the church because of who the church belongs to. Love the church because of who the church worships. Love the church because you love Jesus Christ and his glory. Love the church because Jesus is worthy and faithful and true. Love the church because Jesus loves the church.

1 comment:
That is awesome Charlene! I was also struggling yesterday in church with what I read... saw... heard & just like you God spoke to me. He reminded me to stop judgeing others and start judging myself. See my sin... clean out my tent... plunge the spear through my sin. I need to be the one to intervine because of passion for Him & His church... intervning in ridding myself of my selfish sin & through prayer for His church. In this I am loving Him & His church.
Thank you for sharing this!
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