“As a soldier follows his general,
as the servant follows his master,
as the scholar follows his teacher,
as the sheep follows its shepherd,
so ought the professing Christian to follow Christ.
Faith and obedience are the leading marks of real followers,
and will always be seen in true believing Christians.
Their knowledge may be very small, and their infirmities very great;
their grace very weak, and their hope very dim.
But they believe what Christ says, and they strive to do what Christ commands.
Christianity like this, receives little praise from man.
It is too thorough, to decided, too strong, too real.
To serve Christ in name and form is easy work, and satisfies most people;
but to follow Him in faith demands more trouble
than the generality of men will take about their souls.
Laughter, ridicule, opposition, persecution are often the only reward
which Christ’s followers get from the world.”
~ J.C. Ryle
I was encouraged by this quote and I seem to latch onto any reminders that I don't have to have it all together. The bolded part is a description of me - my knowledge is weak, my grace is small, but I long to have the last part said of me - that I believed and I strived to be obedient in all things! I know in the past, I bought into the lie from the deceiver that I'm too much, too real, too open for people. He still lays it at my heart when I feel like an outcast, but may it never change!

I am struck by the lines...
'To serve Christ in name & form is easy work, and satisfies most people;
but to follow Him in faith demands more trouble that the genrality of men will take about their souls.'
Wow... how often has my following of Christ been in appareance... how often have I been easily satisfied with doing just the minimum... am I ready to follow Him in such a way that showes I believe the truth that my very soul eternal postion depends upon it?!
Today I want to act in faith & to obey.
That is cool too Charis! Love ya!
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