659. music....that is one of the things I cherish around here....there is always something being played by Jake, or Maddie, or Isaiah
660. sweet little 4 year old that loves to be at our house and having days where she and Nater just gel and enjoy their imaginations together
661. cancelled baseball events which gave us a night at home together as a family
662. friends who brave sickness to come spend the afternoon with us
663. my "birthday party" hosted by a dear friend who will remain unnamed...shopping (for shoes for her and doing returns for her), eating at my favorite resturant (Bravo - favorite dish is Pasta Yandolino), laughter in Pier One (where she bought the ugliest necklace ever and laughed so hard there was an explosion), gift of her friendship which is priceless
664. to feel that "child needs Mom - needs her strength and love" feeling as I hugged my eldest goodbye Wednesday night..I love that feeling...with your little ones you get it all the time, but as the children grow it seems they need it less and less from you
665. pet-cleaning day....started out with cleaning out degu's cage, then hedgehog's, then nailcare for Hedgie and thinking I was done...until Maggie and Annie came home covered in wet muck...then began doggie baths 1 and 2!
666. God who gives us the victory over Satan
667. rainy days, sound of rain in the woods
668. sunny days, sound of birds chirping
669. baby goslings entertaining us at the pediatrician's office
770. friends, house full of children, day after day after day after day
771. eldest's answer to prayer at Celebrate Life...turning to God...feeling His presence, His peace, His pleasure
772. Satan's predictability....knew that after Jake came home on a spiritual victory, Satan would do his darnedest to take him out another way
773. keeping score at baseball games....I just love it! I know I'm a nerd!
774. the reminder that growth usually accompanies pain and heartache...Sunday's baseball games brought discouragement, opportunity for Ted to really meet his son where he is at and do what a mother can't do - father him with strength and gentleness and love
775. praying with my children

1 comment:
A beautiful list Charlene!
Like you I love canceled events! Yoohoo! Time at home with family!
That's awesome that Jacob had a good time at Celebrate Life... was wondering how it went. :)
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