633. twizzlers
634. hugs from Ben...he's the perfect height for me right now for hugs...he fits right under my chin
635. cards....over the past few weeks our family has become crazy about playing a hand or two of cards. Madeline has always loved to play cards, but Nate is quickly becoming a professional as well. Sometimes there's a lot of yelling, screaming, close-to-tears whining, but there's also a lot of laughter and fun. Favorite games right now are Spit and Pounce.
636. hearing my sons share how they were the last ones picked by fellow teammates to do a drill...how that brought back my own memories of hating to see if I'd be the last one picked for Red Rover...being able to encourage them that those boys don't know my boys...they don't know their kindness, their stick-to-it-ness, their determination and who's got their back - God!
637. the sound of frogs in the woods
638. sleepless mornings....allow me to catch up on blogs I follow
639. my tom-boy girl....I am so proud of her...she just grows more beautiful everyday
640. purposing to say Yes when only reason to say No is convinence and time
641. beautiful little belly of my niece who is ~ 5 1/2 months pregnant (the other niece is just full from dinner)
642. first baseball game, sitting with friends, jumping and yelling when our boys get a hit
643. cute boys, decked out in catcher's gear, with cheeks full of sunflower seeds
644. riding bikes to a friends' to collect eggs, beautiful chickens, and the excitement bubbling over from the kids to do the "collecting" and counting
645. my new Taylor 714CE ltd guitar and an honest man in Texas
646. friend who will sing with me in church, Open Hands
647. cute kid thoughts....I was pouring dry milk into a mixing bowl and Ben asked, "How do they make milk like that?" I shrugged my shoulders and Maddie said, "They put it out in the sun."
648. watching a fox family on the way to the Sinnaeves yesterday....a mom and 4 pups....so beautiful....they were in the same spot when we went home so they must live near there...
649. Mother's Day letter (not card) from my eldest....confirming that the greatest thing I do for him is point to Christ
650. Mother and Daughter banquets....some years the entertainment has been a real hoot, but we always come back because we love our mom and grandma!
651. my beautiful sisters, who encourage me, support me, guide me and love me
652. celebrating first year of motherhood for my sister-in-law, which is also a celebration for children whose need for a mother and for love is filled
653. blessed with a husband who has a wonderful mother
654. playing Spit with Nancy and Skyler and winning - I'm such a geek and get all giggly
655. BSF...another year has gone by and I'm sad to see it end! I am sooo thankful for all the ways it challenges me and draws me deeper into a relationship with Him - I will give witness to it!
656. forts built in the woods, neighborhood kids all pitching in...friends visiting and helping out too
657. well-worn paths.....they tell the story that someone loves this spot and it makes you want to travel it to and see where it leads.....may my life be like that....telling the story that there is a person I love to visit and may it draw others to Him

Mom & Dad where just commenting on Ben's height this past weekend. He is getting taller... all your kids are!
My heart hurt when I read about the boys getting picked last... I remember that feeling also. But you are right God has their backs! And He picks them first everytime! The Degarmo & Key song plays in my head... 'Heres to life in Jesus where all the losers win'! God has given the boys an opportunity to believe what He thinks & says about them, rather than what this world & satan would say to us. That is cause for praise! How good God is to use hurt to reveal Himself to us even more!
This picture of your sister-in-law with her new children is absolutly beautiful! What joy must have filled her heart that day!
Great list!
You are right! I'm going to share that song with them!
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