381. white cheddar popcorn salt
382. sleeping house, all is dark, floors creaking, snuggling up to talk with God
383. ear candling (I can hear again!)
384. "Is this deer, horse, or cow? What is it?" (youngest one asked me as I put his plate of venison in front of him)
385. walking down memory lane with my kids - playing Resurrection Band songs to show them their mom liked to rock it, Servant Band (God Gave Rock & Roll to You)
386. Maddie's question, "What's a record?"
387. witnessing the "sparkly" snow-lined driveway tonight...children and I captivated by the beauty God gives to us on the way home from BSF
388. homeschool conference this past weekend, my sister & brother-in-law opening their home up to our kids and us, visiting with them until the clock struck midnight, time spent just with husband - talking and refocusing our efforts on why we homeschool and ideas of how we can change simple things to direct our hearts and our childrens' hearts to God
389. building new habits and traditions, family gathered around the table, eating physical food and then partaking of food for our souls....heads and hearts inclined to hear God speak to us all through His Word
390. stopping to look out at the birds, the beauty of it infects children as well, pulling up a chair to just be amazed at God's feathered creations
391. lesson whispered into my heart, as I cracked the window open to capture God's creatures with my camera only to wish I had a recorder as well....what I miss hearing when I stay "holed" up in my home with walls between me and nature....how similar it is to hearing God's voice - how I could miss it if I didn't open the "window" of God's Word and "listen" - don't we all need to pause, open the window and listen for God's voice - the laundry will wait, the phone call, the to-do list, all that we strive for in this earthly life to be productive drowns out the beauty of God's voice at times
392. labor of love...husband finishing a desk for me...
393. neighbors who take care of our animals while we're gone....loving them...and thereby loving us
394. coming home from the homeschool conference, not with numerous books on "How to Effectively Homeschool", but instead books that will spark imagination, discussion, emotion and knowledge.
395. Sense & Sensibility dvd (newest version)....even with a family of 4 boys, love can capture their attentions
396. faithful friends, even when time together is few and far between, the bond is still there

ok... the ear candling just looks dangerous! Is the flame supposed to be that big? I don't think I could do that... way to much hair spray on this head! Poof! I might be able to hear... but what's the good when I am bald!?! :)
Love your family's feeding on God's Word! I remember reading Ann's post on that and thinking what a neat thing to do. Keep it up!
You crack me up Charis! I don't use enough hair spray to make that an issue! We will keep it up I think, the kids seem to look forward to it and today God used it big time to speak to me!
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