Sunday, February 28, 2010

Homemade Bread on the Rise

Baking homemade bread has always sound daunting and with the exception of the "I wanna be a perfect wife" days right after I was married, I've always told myself it's just less hassle to buy a loaf at the store. The more busy our daily lives have become too has just reinforced the idea "keep it simple".  But one of my goals for this year has been to cook more "meals" for our family and less "fend for yourself" nights, so I requested a free Taste of Home magazine and looked through it hoping to be inspired. One page caught my attention, it was about a mom who loves to make french bread with her kids! Our family loves french bread - it has been known to be a meal for us, so I decided to give it a try.

I enlisted Nate & Madeline's help and carefully followed the recipe. Maddie kneaded the dough for 8 minutes like a trooper! We were so excited when we finally had it ready to pop in the oven.
Fifteen minutes later and whoola..... the most beautiful homemade bread I have ever made!
It just about killed us all to wait for friends that were coming over so we could try it and then to hold back and only eat one loaf was more torture, but I insisted we had to save one to show Dad so he wouldn't think I was just making it all up!

Since that day, that has been the highlight around here, always a willing pair of hands to knead the dough and always willing mouths to gobble it up.
 Try it yourself - it is so easy and so delicious!  And if you have a Kitchen Aid Mixer, you can use that to knead the dough if you don't having willing hands!

Here's the recipe:
Prep time (30 min + rising Bake: 15 min)  Yields 2 loaves
2 Tbsp active dry yeast
2 cups warm water (110-115 .... I once heard the example that it should be like the temp of water you wash dishes in)
2 tsp. salt
1 tsp. sugar
4-1/2 to 5 cups bread flour (I've only used 4)
1 tsp cornmeal
* we add melted butter (brush onto tops afterwards)

In a large bowl, dissolve yeast in warm water.  Add the salt, sugar and  2 cups of flour.  Beat until smooth.  Stir in enough remaining flour to form a soft dough.

Turn onto a floured surface; knead until smooth and elastic, about 6-8 minutes.  Places in a greased bowl, turning once to grease the top.  Cover and let rise in a warm place until doubled, about 1 hour.

Punch dough down.  Turn onto a lightly floured surface; divide in half.  Shape into 12 in long loaves.

Place seam side down on a greased baking sheet.  Cover and let rise until doubled, about 30 minutes.  Sprinkle with cornmeal.  With a sharp knife, make four shallow slashes across the top of each loaf.  Bake at 450 for 15-20 minutes or until golden brown.
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Saturday, February 27, 2010

Praising God

"Authentic worship is not about us, it's about Him."
~ Dr. David Jeremiah
It's not about finding the perfect worship's about praising God.
It's not about style - hymn or's about praising God.
It's not about being off key, on key, loud or too's about praising God.
It's not about the soundboard, the speakers, the's about praising God.
It's not about who's on the platform and who's sitting in the's about praising God.
It's not about what you's about praising God.
It's not about's about praising God.

 I am aware of this struggle all the time since I've been asked to lead worship at our church.  I don't ever want to forget, even for a second that it's not about us - but about Him.  I know I do forget, but I cry out these verses when I realize it....
(Phil 3)  13Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.
May my worship be a reflection of this constant dying to self and point others to Christ. 

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Thursday, February 25, 2010

I Will Remain with You

Behold, Lord, an empty vessel that needs to be filled. 
My Lord, fill it. I am weak in the faith; strengthen me.
 I am cold in love; warm me and make me fervent,
 that my love may go out to my neighbor.
 I do not have a strong and firm faith;
at times I doubt and am unable to trust You altogether.
 O Lord, help me. 
Strengthen my faith and trust in You. 
In You I have sealed the treasure of all I have. 
I am poor; You are rich and came to be merciful to the poor.
I am a sinner; You are upright.
 With me, there is an abundance of sin; in You is the fullness of righteousness. 
Therefore I will remain with You, of whom I can receive, but to whom I may not give. 
~Martin Luther

This is one man that always encourages me.... He struggled with self....He was passionate about living a life for the Lord.  This week's lesson in BSF is all about "remaining in Him" and what that looks like.  May I hourly strive to do this.
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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

God Paints...

God paints in many colors, but he never paints so gorgeously as when he paints in white.
~G.K. Chesterton
Today, we've witnessed God's artwork all day and it has been breathtaking.  This shoveling Nate is doing was done a few hours before by Ben and you couldn't even tell.  Beautiful!
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How Could...

“They say that every snowflake is different.
If that were true, how could the world go on? 
How could we ever get up off our knees? 
How could we ever recover from the wonder of it?” 
- Jeanette Winterson
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Be an Example

“Take care what you do in front of your child.
It is a true proverb, ‘He who sins before a child, sins double.’
Strive rather to be a living epistle of Christ,
such as your families can read, and that plainly too.
Be an example of reverence for the Word of God,
reverence in prayer,
reverence for means of grace,
reverence for the Lord’s day.
Be an example in words,
in temper,
in diligence,
in temperance,
in faith,
in charity,
in kindness,
in humility.
Do not think your children will practice what they do not see you do.
You are their model picture – and they will copy what you are.
Your reasoning and your lecturing, your wise commands and your good advice –
all this they may not understand, but they can understand your life!”
{J.C. Ryle}
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Sometime if this winter you go
Abroad to see the falling snow -
You will find to your surprise
That a trillion flakes will greet your eyes.

Swirling, dancing in the day,
Who could make them quite this way?
Each one new, six sides on all,
Each reflects light as they fall.

No two ever found alike
With lace and rays and sculptured spike.
Here one moment, then they melt,
But what a silent scene is felt!

Discern in those dear tiny flakes
The face of God who nature makes
To please His children and show His love
To all the world from heaven above.
~Christine Fitzgerald
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No Fishing Allowed

"Man's importunity is God's opportunity.  He uses our problems as building materials for His miracles." 
  This quote from Corrie ten Boom caught my eye this week, after sitting with the worship team and hearing people deeply discouraged and then later talking to my oldest son about his feelings after the quiz meet and how discouraged he was.  Funny how when it's not you hearing the whispers from the enemy, you can so easily see who it is that is speaking into the hearts of those you love.  Satan wants us to be discouraged, he wants us to hold onto the our sins and keep crucifying ourselves again and again.  But what I tried to help those I love see, a training that those closest to me helped me to realize through my deep saddness, is to recognize whose voice that is speaking into their heart and mind.  If the result is despair, then it is not God's voice.  If the result is conviction with love or an encouragement, then it is God's voice.  I liked another word picture from ten Boom's book, "Tramp for the Lord".   She wrote,  
"Maybe because the sea is never far from a Hollander's mind, I liked to think that that's where forgiven sins were thrown.  When we confess our sins, God casts them into the deepest ocean, gone forever.  And even though I cannot find a Scripture for it, I believe God then places a sign out there that says, NO FISHING ALLOWED."
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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

White Fields

In the winter time we go
Walking in the fields of snow;
Where there is no grass at all;
Where the top of every wall,
Every fence and every tree,
Is as white as white can be.
Pointing out the way we came,
Everyone of them the same -
All across the fields there be
Prints in silver filigree;
And our mothers always know,
By our footprints in the snow,
Where the children go.
~ James Stephens

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Monday, February 22, 2010

Multitude Mondays

434. seeing a Piliated Woodpecker this morning just outside our dining room....we were all gathered around reading the Bible after breakfast and Ben yelled out, "There's a Piliated Woodpecker!" It was beautiful! I tried to get a picture of it but it flew away.
435. snowfall, adventures out into the untrodden blanket surrounding our woods
 436. Isaiah's quizzing team getting 2nd place at the Quiz Meet in Sterling, IL
437. Jake's honesty about his lack of success at the quiz meet - or so he sees it and the opportunity for me to be able to tell him how proud I am of his grit and determination to make it there for one, and then to persevere and not give up regardless of the end score
438. worship team, sharing their struggles, coming alongside one another in prayer, honesty, transparency
439. enjoying the Olympics with the kids, marvelling at what the atheletes do
440. making calazones Saturday night with Nate, Maddie and Ben. Flour was everywhere, but they were delicious!!
441. peppermint tea and time with friends
442. the idea behind giving up something for Lent, to sacrifice something that I think I need, for the One who truly meets all my needs.
443. husband's teasing voice making me smile and laugh
444. snowbanks and tunnels
 445. sighting a flicker at the suet cake
 446. blubber experiments, giggles, testing oneself to the limit of cold
 447. Hedgie's change in attitude - never would've believed I'd see the day when she'd let me hold her and clip her toenails
448.  my youngest's love for coloring right now....I almost took it for granted the other day when he excitedly said, "Mom, I'm almost done and I want to show you my picture!"  He's the last one to do this with me....thankful for him, for box of crayons, the colors God's given us, the creativity God's given us....each day God's given us together
449.  butter and homemade jam on bread, reminds me of Bread & Jam story

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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

"Awful Direction" performed by Jake & Isaiah Sinnaeve

I am so proud of the boys. This was the first time Isaiah played the drums in front of people and Jake just sang out beautifully!

Here are the lyrics.... song is originally sung by The Almost.
Life has given me the, me the creeps
I need you to make, to make, to make me weak
I have made my world my own, I've made it my own
And I have never been so alone
I can't stop my brain from moving, in an awful direction Lord
I can't stop my hands from doing, what I don't want to do anymore
I've been wrong, I've been right
but tonight, I just wanna be Yours

I'm planning this out, to be all about me
I, I am wrong can You help me?
I can't stop this brain from moving, in an awful direction Lord
I can't stop these hands from doing, what I don't want to do anymore
I've been wrong, I've been right
but tonight, I just wanna be Yours

I've got to let go of all of this 'cause I'm dragging me down, down

I can't stop my brain from moving, in an awful direction Lord
I can't stop my hands from doing, what I don't want to do anymore
I've been wrong, I've been right
but tonight
I just wanna be Yours, I just wanna be Yours, I just wanna be Yours

I've been wrong, I've been right
but tonight I just wanna be Yours
I've got to let go all this cause I'm dragging me down now.

Isn't that Romans 7?
18 And I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. I want to do what is right, but I can’t. 19 I want to do what is good, but I don’t. I don’t want to do what is wrong, but I do it anyway. 20 But if I do what I don’t want to do, I am not really the one doing wrong; it is sin living in me that does it. 21 I have discovered this principle of life—that when I want to do what is right, I inevitably do what is wrong. 22 I love God’s law with all my heart. 23 But there is another power within me that is at war with my mind. This power makes me a slave to the sin that is still within me. 24 Oh, what a miserable person I am! Who will free me from this life that is dominated by sin and death? 25 Thank God! The answer is in Jesus Christ our Lord!

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Multitude Mondays

397. Ted finishing the computer desk
398. Isaiah's drum teacher.... flexible...good
399. my dear friend who listened and encouraged me when I was struggling
400. God speaking to me thru His Word
401. fat, fluffy snowflakes falling
402. Mocha, who comes to the window, meowing...wanting to be let in, kids who crack the window to oblige.
403. Mocha, curling up on Hedgie's cage or the dryer or someone's lap
404. cutting kitty's whiskers (what kid hasn't done this? Nate was the culprit this time)
405. beautiful pink sunrises...bright red woodpecker heads and cardinals
406. hot cocoa and muffins
407. hearing how my kids are processing being obedient to Christ and what that looks like in their lives
408. hard days...drawing in...escaping in Jane Austen movies
409. making pizza with my kids and remembering all the Saturday nights as a kid making pizzas with my mom and watching Hee Haw
410. Daddy/Daughter Dance....helping Madeline pick out just the right dress, earrings, and doing her hair...I couldn't help but imagine how someday we'll be doing the same things, but not for a night out with Daddy, but with a man she loves
411. Nate losing his first tooth at worship practice on Saturday!
412. Jake and Isaiah singing/playing "Awful Direction" at church on Sunday. They did a beautiful job!! (I'll post the video when I figure out how to do it in blogger.)
413. babysitting Chaska for the weekend....dogs were everywhere!!!
414. reminder that spring will come as all outside is continually blanketed in snow
415. celebrating Annie's 5th birthday with candles stuck in peanut butter on a pig's we all love her and couldn't imagine our home without this gentle dog
416. making cappechino mix with Nater and Maddie...letting Nate stir the bowl and getting creamer and powdered milk all over me
417. snow days....visiting with the Weldons, the Bakers and sledding with the Dysarts....we are blessed with the friends God has given us
418. lonliness...God's Word...hugs from Ted...kisses from children...God's Word
419. talking with Mom and Dad on the phone, how much I love them both and appreciate how they raised me and loved me
420. Denise and her heart to love God passionately, it is so encouraging to surround ourselves with believers who love God with all their heart, with all their mind, with all their strength
421. times spent talking with Denise, Amy B. & Yevette about different aspects of our walks, what things mean, what we're supposed to do, our fear of failing
422. watch that goes off every hour to remind me to take in God's Word...memorizing scripture that will help me fight the enemy....currently it is Psalm 16
423. tea & muffins with Amy and Allie...sometimes I can't help but think she listens to me and thinks I'm a "religous freak", but I just couldn't help but share how God's challenging me as a parent and as a friend and as a wife
424. constant music...knowing that I have a son upstairs who is driven to write songs about his walk, his love for helps me to just listen and be thankful, instead of annoyed by the "noise" of it
425. the local church...praying for and looking for the hope that we will be used by Him, that the fire of the Holy Spirit will be so strong that His love will be evident in all our interactions
426. encouraging note from one on the worship team
427. sister-in-law who prays for me, not knowing why the Holy Spirit is impressing me on her heart, but responds and prays for it brings me to tears, as I sit in my isolated home in the woods and feel I'm working out these inner struggles on my own, God's hand is at work
428. this list....I've missed it...I need it...I need to figure out the time I can do it without it taking away from our family
429. my sister's blog, it is a way for us to stay connected, to hear each other's hearts even though we don't talk frequently, it encourages me and challenges me and blesses me to no end
430. feeding on the true sustenance as a family....our time spent around the table, after consuming food that still leaves me empty inside, seeing my children intently listening and taking in God's Word...taking in the perfect food that satisfies my heart and soul....another thing that brings me to tears
431.  celebrating Cal's 40th birthday Superbowl Night
432.  finishing flap isn't totally done, need to add the tassles and blanket stitch around edging, but pretty good huh?
433.  not only do I have to kick my kids out of MY chair, but I have to kick Annie out too.

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The Big Red Tractor by Francis Chan

What my heart longs to see in the church too....Lord, help me to be led by the Holy Spirit and thank you for the glimpse of an unstoppable church last week!
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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Faith...Failure...Fear...Faith #2

Today, as I was hoping and praying, God continued to work out this story in my heart. This morning and last night, I was being pulled by the undertow of the enemy, who accuses me that I'm nothing, that there must be something about me people don't like, that I need to be great in other's eyes, and on and on. Once he had me focused on the lies of my worth, he went on to question my faithfulness to God, do I really want there to be more of Him and less of me in my life b/c it's obviously all about me. This accusation cut even deeper because I pray all the time for there to be more of Him and less of me in my life, yet it is glaringly obvious that my pride is still huge!

Last night at BSF, it was all about Jesus serving the disciples and washing their feet and His command that the greatest needs to be the least in the Kingdom of God. I sat there and agreed and thought, "This is the road of dying to self I've been on," but in the blink of an eye, Satan had me focusing on all the wrong things as I watched others talk and mingle.

Today, I spent time praying that God would be patient with me, that He would give me grace and mold and shape this prideful heart of mine.  To be honest, that if it was possible, He could rip this heart of mine out.   In our BSF notes, that I read today, I began crying when I read...
"We are great in God's eyes when we humble ourselves to serve others. In whose eyes do you want to be great?"

After the reality check of last night, I have to confess it is in man's eyes I want to be great. Crying and feeling like the father in Mark 9:24 who said, "I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!", I prayed, "I do want More of You and Less of me Lord; help me change my heart completely and press in and mold my heart till there is no room for pride. Help me Father to do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than myself. (Phil. 2:3) And in doing so to focus on how You see me and to not listen to the deceiver...."

Then God used a dear friend to encourage me and pray for me later on today. And tonight as our family fed on God's Word after dinner, God's voice was like an arrow straight into my heart. In Psalm 16:4a, 5-6 I read,
"The sorrows of those who run after another god shall multiply;....
The LORD is my chosen portion and my cup; 
You hold my lot. 
The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; 
indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance." 
God is reminding me, 'Charli, your sorrows will increase as you run after the god of man's popularity.  I have chosen for you your portion, your cup, and your lot.  It is a pleasant place and I have given you a beautiful inheritance."  When it's put like that, how can I but cry, "Lord, forgive me!!  You are perfect and Your ways are perfect.  You have created me as I am, You have determined what my life will be like, what my social standing is to me, and being nothing....being a servant...being a quiet encourager...being a wallflower is a beautiful inheritance, when I remember that it is You who have given it to me."

All around the table listened intently as I cried and shared what God was saying to me tonight.  My fear has always been that my children will struggle with the same things I do, that I'm passing it onto them and ruining them.  But I know that by sharing how God is redeeming me...loving me...forgiving me....they will see that it doesn't end in tears of pain, it ends in tears of joy!
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Monday, February 1, 2010


Tonight I feel like this little turtle, ready to pull everything in and stay safe inside my shell.  The well-worn whisper that there must be something wrong with me - it's the only explanation of why I feel like such a loser, why I feel like I have nothing to offer anyone, why I feel alone.  There is more to the story as the title suggests.....tonight was all about serving, taking the lowliest know that whole idea of dying to self....and here I am crying, "What about me???"  Not only am I self-focused and juvenile, but the pain of failure to Him, who never failed me, hurts more than I can bear....  But the story will continue....Faith...Failure....Fear...Faith  I need to find my way back to Faith

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