397. Ted finishing the computer desk
398. Isaiah's drum teacher.... flexible...good teacher....cool
399. my dear friend who listened and encouraged me when I was struggling
400. God speaking to me thru His Word
401. fat, fluffy snowflakes falling
402. Mocha, who comes to the window, meowing...wanting to be let in, kids who crack the window to oblige.
403. Mocha, curling up on Hedgie's cage or the dryer or someone's lap
404. cutting kitty's whiskers (what kid hasn't done this? Nate was the culprit this time)
405. beautiful pink sunrises...bright red woodpecker heads and cardinals
406. hot cocoa and muffins
407. hearing how my kids are processing being obedient to Christ and what that looks like in their lives
408. hard days...drawing in...escaping in Jane Austen movies
409. making pizza with my kids and remembering all the Saturday nights as a kid making pizzas with my mom and watching Hee Haw
410. Daddy/Daughter Dance....helping Madeline pick out just the right dress, earrings, and doing her hair...I couldn't help but imagine how someday we'll be doing the same things, but not for a night out with Daddy, but with a man she loves
411. Nate losing his first tooth at worship practice on Saturday!
412. Jake and Isaiah singing/playing "Awful Direction" at church on Sunday. They did a beautiful job!! (I'll post the video when I figure out how to do it in blogger.)
413. babysitting Chaska for the weekend....dogs were everywhere!!!
414. reminder that spring will come as all outside is continually blanketed in snow
415. celebrating Annie's 5th birthday with candles stuck in peanut butter on a pig's ear...how we all love her and couldn't imagine our home without this gentle dog
416. making cappechino mix with Nater and Maddie...letting Nate stir the bowl and getting creamer and powdered milk all over me
417. snow days....visiting with the Weldons, the Bakers and sledding with the Dysarts....we are blessed with the friends God has given us
418. lonliness...God's Word...hugs from Ted...kisses from children...God's Word
419. talking with Mom and Dad on the phone, how much I love them both and appreciate how they raised me and loved me
420. Denise and her heart to love God passionately, it is so encouraging to surround ourselves with believers who love God with all their heart, with all their mind, with all their strength
421. times spent talking with Denise, Amy B. & Yevette about different aspects of our walks, what things mean, what we're supposed to do, our fear of failing
422. watch that goes off every hour to remind me to take in God's Word...memorizing scripture that will help me fight the enemy....currently it is Psalm 16
423. tea & muffins with Amy and Allie...sometimes I can't help but think she listens to me and thinks I'm a "religous freak", but I just couldn't help but share how God's challenging me as a parent and as a friend and as a wife
424. constant music...knowing that I have a son upstairs who is driven to write songs about his walk, his love for God...it helps me to just listen and be thankful, instead of annoyed by the "noise" of it
425. the local church...praying for and looking for the hope that we will be used by Him, that the fire of the Holy Spirit will be so strong that His love will be evident in all our interactions
426. encouraging note from one on the worship team
427. sister-in-law who prays for me, not knowing why the Holy Spirit is impressing me on her heart, but responds and prays for me....how it brings me to tears, as I sit in my isolated home in the woods and feel I'm working out these inner struggles on my own, God's hand is at work
428. this list....I've missed it...I need it...I need to figure out the time I can do it without it taking away from our family
429. my sister's blog, it is a way for us to stay connected, to hear each other's hearts even though we don't talk frequently, it encourages me and challenges me and blesses me to no end
430. feeding on the true sustenance as a family....our time spent around the table, after consuming food that still leaves me empty inside, seeing my children intently listening and taking in God's Word...taking in the perfect food that satisfies my heart and soul....another thing that brings me to tears
431. celebrating Cal's 40th birthday Superbowl Night
432. finishing flap hat....it isn't totally done, need to add the tassles and blanket stitch around edging, but pretty good huh?
433. not only do I have to kick my kids out of MY chair, but I have to kick Annie out too.