I'm a slow learner, at least when it comes to photoshop. My sister is a patient teacher. This week, she took numerous phones calls from me on how to create the design changes on my blog, sent me a pluthera of emails detailing the steps to take, and all the while was patient and loving! God's gifted her with the talent and time to become a "master" photoshopper and blog designer. And He's gifted me in making her my sister! Thank you Charis! (and I'm afraid to say - I think I'm getting it!)
I knew that you had it in ya! Aren't you glad now that you bought that photoshop!
I love you new signature & all the the sidebar images! You did a great job! Don't go getting to good at it though... I like it that you need me! :)
I am blessed by our PaPa to have a little sister who I love!
I'll never stop needing you! Love you!
You must be just like me right now... feeling overloaded with things that need to get done! Can you believe that Christmas is just one... ONE week away!
Just wanted you to know that I am missing you & your graditude posts! But don't feel pressured! :)
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