Gratitude is born in hearts that take time to count up past mercies.
~Charles E. Jefferson
56. good Godly friends for our children, Thank you Father for blessing us with so many!
57. faithful and persistent friends of mine, that give me grace when I don't email or call, but when we get together, sharing our walks and our lives comes easy
58. coffee shops and "fru-fru" coffee for me
59. time spent with Townsends this past week; sharing, playing guitar/piano, learning about photoshop, making hemp jewelry, and just being together
60. family - I love being with our extended family - having Mom and Dad over for dinner, going to watch Kate play volleyball, we are so blessed
61. Jake playing electric guitar with me on worship - being reminded that I need to read "between the lines" of his comments to really hear his heart - that he's insecure at times
62. the Indian song Madeline loves to play right now on the piano - it's so cute!
63. for hearing the lesson God was teaching my best friend thru a dream and knowing if we can just hold onto that vision, it can change relationships
64. prayer warriors - prayers were answered on Monday for a meeting I had
65. Final radiation treatment for my Dad today! "What are you going to do now?" He's going on a vacation (probably not Disney - but time away!)
66. Thrifty husband who is always on the lookout for a deal - picking up a bunkbed for our "cowboys" and putting it together tonight.
67. dress up clothes
68. finding God in the everyday moments of homeschooling

I am so glad to see you post today!!! I kept looking yesterday... when's she going to post... when's she going to post. I am a freak! It doesn't really matter about getting it done on a certian day... but just getting it done. It's a wonderful list that says 'thank you' to God!
You are so right about the fru-fru coffee... now I need to go & put Speedway capp. on my list :P
Great pictures of the necklaces! I love Nate's & the one Maddie made for you is awesome!
Love the bunk bed... is it in Isaiah & Ben's room?
Your picture to #68 cracks me up!!! By Ben's look I don't know if he is finding God in homeschooling... Looks like a tummy ache to me ;)
I know! I was wondering who would notice - Still isn't that God beauty too? Too funny!
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