22. Great books - Mark of Lion series by Francine Rivers

24. hearing Nate & our neighor, Allie, playing happily in the basement
25. good books we read as a family - most loved right now is A Child's Geography
26. making adorable nuthatch cards on Friday night with a friend who's found her card-making creativity again - Thank the Lord!
27. time spent this past weekend at Portage Lake for the MSU-U of M game - especially time with my sister's family - I see so much love in them
28. Craig - being so ready to play football with his LITTLE cousins who crack stupid jokes and look up at him with wide grins, waiting for him to take them down!
29. deep fried turkey - juicest turkey I've ever had!
30. the unsettling questions God has me struggling with right now about His vision for the Body of Christ and how does Sunday Church fit into that whole idea, puts me exactly where I want to be - spending time at His feet - seeking Him
31. bow season - not for myself - but for my husband and boys - watching them get all geared up to go out yesterday, gone for hours until way after dark and then hearing about how the racoon was climbing right in a tree in front of them, or the flying squirrel that explored the tree near them - what a sweet time listening and watching the beautiful world their heavenly Father created for them
32. Nator staying dry last night and actually getting up of his own accord in the middle of the night to go potty!
33. my kids all love Shawn McDonald's music now and that is what is always being played on the house - love hearing them (from the oldest down to the youngest) singing the lyrics

1 comment:
Love the Mark of Lion series too! Chaney is reading the second one right now & she loved the first!
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