We decided to bring Ebony (Annie's puppy, Maggie's sister, and my parents dog) over to our house for the short time Mom & Dad are away. I lasted a total of ~24 hours. I have a new appreciation for the depth of Dad's love for his dog! And a new appreciation for the calmness and gentleness of our dogs. There are paw prints all over my wood floors, although I must give credit to Ebony for her obedience in not coming in the living room. Before we blocked off the upstairs, she came down w/ a ball of my yarn trailing behind her and the chewing on the ball. After that we made sure we also blocked off the upstairs! I'd get overwhelmed and put her outside, but we have hunting clothes/boots all over our front porch and I realized it would quickly become all over our yard. So back inside she comes....
Some other things I noticed...Her tongue is always hanging out and panting, she has no sense of personal space - she's breathing in my face,
stepping on my toes, bruising my calves w/ her whip of a tail. Another observation made by Ben this morning, "There's slobber all over the floor!"
While my dogs are sleeping right now, she's pacing the wood floors. She is just a bundle of energy. It was almost impossible to get her collar on and off. She is just amazing, truly! I don't know how Dad does it!
She just gave a piercing bark to Maggie, like "Play with me!" and is forcing Maggie up. Maggie has walked over to me and is trying to hide, but Ebby is breathing all over us. That was when I decided that she'd have to go home - I have to clean my floors, none of us enjoy walking in puddles of water or spit, whatever they may be.
How did gentle Annie give birth to such a fireball??? But we LOVE HER! I wanted to end with how we love here anyway - but at first the kids had to be talked into getting close to her! They were all afraid of being slobbered on!
Friday, October 30, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
The Many Faces of Ted
Last night I was inspired to blog about my dear husband and his facial hair. I don't know about those reading this, but for me, Ted's facial hair is something I love (I know I'm going to be revealing how shallow I am in this too) and miss at times. The photos below are the way Ted has groomed his facial hair for most of our years together. Classic goatee...sometimes closely cut, sometimes longer, but always simply stated.
But then we've hit some radical years. Some may explain it away by saying Ted's been going through an identity crisis, but I know my husband much better than that! He knows who he is and rarely is insecure....
The first change from the normal facial hair began with what I and the kids call the Todd Jones look (Detroit Tigers pitcher).
He's come back to this look a few times over the past couple of years, even though I've given my opinion on it. One such time was when he came home from Costa Rica. Now wives, imagine having your husband gone for a week, you are anxiously awaiting him walking in the door and when he does...there you have it. (I can't be the only wife that would've been like freaked out!)
Much to my relief, he's always reverted back to the Classic goatee....
Then we've dabbled with full beard, I can't argue with that.
But the Easter morning of this last year, after I'd already left for church and was waiting for him there, he showed up with his newest look.
I just laughed and shook my head. Who's husband does this??????? Obviously, I'd grown accustomed to the look by my expression in this picture taken later in the Spring.
Then this past summer the look was tweeked a little....
Be honest, isn't the first thought in your mind Coronel Sanders? Look at how happy the man is though!
This next photo isn't going to do justice to the next style....imagine just letting everything grow from the previous look....you'd get a combination of beard/goatee....
Now I have to stop right here and say I love my husband! He is a great provider, he's affectionate, a great dad, husband, and he makes me laugh. Need I say more? Last night, about 10:30p.m. I could hear the sounds of shaving going on in the upstairs bathroom. My heart kind of lurched in my chest, but I calmed my fears by telling myself that I've made it very clear to him what I like and don't like......
Now, I never said my husband was a good listener....
This is the man who met me coming out of the bathroom last night
Now, I've gotta tell you, Ben is standing next to me and hasn't seen Dad's new look and when the picture flashed up, Ben exclaimed, "Wow! What the..." Other comments from the kids "Kinda looks like Brandon Inge" "Kinda creepy"
The scene of the crime...
I can handle a lot, but I must confess, I can't handle the missing mustache! Ted thought it was funny, but I couldn't even look at him and to have him kiss me????? Totally weird feeling his bare face!
This morning in my quiet time, I asked God to forgive my shallowness, to change me and help me to focus on the inside of people and not the outside, and I've thanked Him for using Ted to teach me this lesson. (Then I asked Him to do a little miracle for me and grow Ted's facial hair back before tonight.)
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Multitude Mondays
Gratitude is born in hearts that take time to count up past mercies.
~Charles E. Jefferson
56. good Godly friends for our children, Thank you Father for blessing us with so many!
57. faithful and persistent friends of mine, that give me grace when I don't email or call, but when we get together, sharing our walks and our lives comes easy
58. coffee shops and "fru-fru" coffee for me
59. time spent with Townsends this past week; sharing, playing guitar/piano, learning about photoshop, making hemp jewelry, and just being together
60. family - I love being with our extended family - having Mom and Dad over for dinner, going to watch Kate play volleyball, we are so blessed
61. Jake playing electric guitar with me on worship - being reminded that I need to read "between the lines" of his comments to really hear his heart - that he's insecure at times
62. the Indian song Madeline loves to play right now on the piano - it's so cute!
63. for hearing the lesson God was teaching my best friend thru a dream and knowing if we can just hold onto that vision, it can change relationships
64. prayer warriors - prayers were answered on Monday for a meeting I had
65. Final radiation treatment for my Dad today! "What are you going to do now?" He's going on a vacation (probably not Disney - but time away!)
66. Thrifty husband who is always on the lookout for a deal - picking up a bunkbed for our "cowboys" and putting it together tonight.
67. dress up clothes
68. finding God in the everyday moments of homeschooling
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
Multitude Mondays
45. The excitement of Nate conquering bike without training wheels. Every spare moment he is outside riding up and down our driveway. He's the last of my little ones to pass this milestone and I watch him with joy and with tears!
46. As of today, my father only has 6 more treatments to go!
48. Ted's time out in the woods, by himself, or with a boy or two, as they listen and watch God's creation without distraction
49. Hugs
50. Time this past weekend spent w/ Jake & Isaiah at Quiz Meet at ONU and Isaiah's team taking 6th place out of 35-40 teams and Isaiah placing 19th individually and Jake placing 26th individually out of 70+ quizzers
51. Sun shining thru yellowed, reddened leaves and cold wind blowing leaves gently to the ground
52. Circle time this morning and my oldest wanting to do it too and remembering all the sweet poems and songs we used to do with him
53. Making a leaf garland with Nate and Maddie - decorating our home with God's creation brings so much beauty to our days
54. BSF lessons that God uses to remind me of His truths - that "faith almost always involves some risk" (help me Lord to be obedient enough to "go" places that are risky) and "surely the Lord needs to cleanse our church worship today, which often is really a celebration of self rather than adoration of God. One wonders at the careless indifference of men and women who are never late for business but because of inconvenience and love of comfort, choose to be late for the morning worship, missing the opening prayer of worship and song, as though God did not matter! One often wonders what He thinks of the constant chatter and idle gossip that often precedes the worship service even within the sanctuary on Sunday morning, making it impossible for quiet prayer and heart preparation to meet with the Lord" (help me Lord to stay strong in living this truth out each week - move in the local body of believers to have this same focus of adoration of YOU)
55. phones....as much as I think people rely too heavily on technology to "create shallow relationships", God uses it for good to allow me to be a friend across many miles to someone in pain
46. As of today, my father only has 6 more treatments to go!
48. Ted's time out in the woods, by himself, or with a boy or two, as they listen and watch God's creation without distraction
49. Hugs
50. Time this past weekend spent w/ Jake & Isaiah at Quiz Meet at ONU and Isaiah's team taking 6th place out of 35-40 teams and Isaiah placing 19th individually and Jake placing 26th individually out of 70+ quizzers
51. Sun shining thru yellowed, reddened leaves and cold wind blowing leaves gently to the ground
52. Circle time this morning and my oldest wanting to do it too and remembering all the sweet poems and songs we used to do with him
53. Making a leaf garland with Nate and Maddie - decorating our home with God's creation brings so much beauty to our days
54. BSF lessons that God uses to remind me of His truths - that "faith almost always involves some risk" (help me Lord to be obedient enough to "go" places that are risky) and "surely the Lord needs to cleanse our church worship today, which often is really a celebration of self rather than adoration of God. One wonders at the careless indifference of men and women who are never late for business but because of inconvenience and love of comfort, choose to be late for the morning worship, missing the opening prayer of worship and song, as though God did not matter! One often wonders what He thinks of the constant chatter and idle gossip that often precedes the worship service even within the sanctuary on Sunday morning, making it impossible for quiet prayer and heart preparation to meet with the Lord" (help me Lord to stay strong in living this truth out each week - move in the local body of believers to have this same focus of adoration of YOU)
55. phones....as much as I think people rely too heavily on technology to "create shallow relationships", God uses it for good to allow me to be a friend across many miles to someone in pain
Monday, October 12, 2009
Mulititude Mondays
34. watching our woods transform, leaves fall, colors change, more light enter
35. time spent on Tuesday with the Townsends - talking with my sister about our walks, our God, our struggles and sharing tears - being let in the game for free - watching Landon score the first goal of the game as we sat huddled under umbrellas and rain ponchos - running to the cars after the game as the rain pelted and whipped us - dry clothes and warm pizza and delicious cookie to celebrate Chaney's 17th b-day - getting a sneak preview of Landon as Gaston!
36. sitting outside Sunday morning with Maddie, marveling at God's handiwork and singing Him praises together
37. washing machines and dryers to handle the never-ending laundry
38. hearing from my Dad how he spends his time during radiation treatments - praying for his wife, children, grandchildren, quoting scripture
39. watching my niece, Kate, play 5 games of volleyball instead of just three - made me wish I had played in high school
40. my sister and brother-in-law who are so kind and giving to my kids
41. wood pellet burning stove that makes our home toasty, toasty, toasty
42. my Mac - after trying to help my dad sync a mp3 to his Windows Media Player, I was about ready to shoot myself!
43. orange pumpkins and red leaves
44. peace that God's given me on Sunday mornings to focus only on Him
35. time spent on Tuesday with the Townsends - talking with my sister about our walks, our God, our struggles and sharing tears - being let in the game for free - watching Landon score the first goal of the game as we sat huddled under umbrellas and rain ponchos - running to the cars after the game as the rain pelted and whipped us - dry clothes and warm pizza and delicious cookie to celebrate Chaney's 17th b-day - getting a sneak preview of Landon as Gaston!
36. sitting outside Sunday morning with Maddie, marveling at God's handiwork and singing Him praises together
37. washing machines and dryers to handle the never-ending laundry
38. hearing from my Dad how he spends his time during radiation treatments - praying for his wife, children, grandchildren, quoting scripture
39. watching my niece, Kate, play 5 games of volleyball instead of just three - made me wish I had played in high school
40. my sister and brother-in-law who are so kind and giving to my kids
41. wood pellet burning stove that makes our home toasty, toasty, toasty
42. my Mac - after trying to help my dad sync a mp3 to his Windows Media Player, I was about ready to shoot myself!
43. orange pumpkins and red leaves
44. peace that God's given me on Sunday mornings to focus only on Him
Monday, October 5, 2009
To Be Where He Is...
Tonight at BSF, a question I had answered this morning in a rather straightforward way, was shone to me in a more daring way. It was on the scripture from John 1:37-39 (New International Version)
37When the two disciples heard him say this, they followed Jesus. 38Turning around, Jesus saw them following and asked, "What do you want?"
They said, "Rabbi" (which means Teacher), "where are you staying?"
39"Come," he replied, "and you will see."
So they went and saw where he was staying, and spent that day with him. It was about the tenth hour.
The questions were asked of what did the disciples ask Jesus and what was His response or conditions for getting to know Him and then how can you begin to fulfill those conditions?
At first glace, I gave the obvious answers that they asked where He was staying, He told them to come and follow him to see. But tonight as I sat in discussion and reread it, I heard Him say, "Come - BE where I am" and it had such an impact on me.... I don't know if I'm even doing it justice in this writing, if you are able to see/feel the difference, but for me it was like having another blinder pulled from my eyes.
At every turn, I'm reminded thru scripture that obedience to Christ is key, that loving Him and being in relationship w/ Him is key, and I'm always longing to be more of Him, less of me yet I've been struggling with the machine of religion or institution of church. And I felt the question rising, In the machine of religion aka church as this world runs it - is He there? I know it says in scripture that where ever two or more are gathered in His name, He is there. But is Sunday morning church and all that goes along with it today where He would be or did He have something different in mind for us all when it was written in Hebrews 10:25 Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
Is He calling me out of something that has become an idol unto itself? Is He wanting me to do the radical thing, leave the man-made church and to change/simplify my meeting with fellow believers, praising Him, encouraging fellow believers, sharing the Good News with the lost by more opportunities given to do "life" alongside them, and break the cycle for my children of misplaced devotion?
I can't shake this thought that our generation is blind to how far off the track we are, just as so many in the 1700's church were off track. I don't want to be off track, I don't want to be blind to truth and overwhelmed by the odds against me to not change.
Even as I put these thoughts down, I'm hesitant, not wanting to be used by the enemy to bring more division and confusion to the body of Christ, the true Church, the Bride of Christ. More than anything, my heart longs to have the body of Christ be a lampstand for the lost, to be more of Him and less of us. Please hear that and may God forgive me if my thoughts in the woods cause anyone to stumble. I would greatly appreciate your prayers as I continue to seek His wisdom and direction. I would also appreciate correction based on scripture if you feel so led.
37When the two disciples heard him say this, they followed Jesus. 38Turning around, Jesus saw them following and asked, "What do you want?"
They said, "Rabbi" (which means Teacher), "where are you staying?"
39"Come," he replied, "and you will see."
So they went and saw where he was staying, and spent that day with him. It was about the tenth hour.
The questions were asked of what did the disciples ask Jesus and what was His response or conditions for getting to know Him and then how can you begin to fulfill those conditions?
At first glace, I gave the obvious answers that they asked where He was staying, He told them to come and follow him to see. But tonight as I sat in discussion and reread it, I heard Him say, "Come - BE where I am" and it had such an impact on me.... I don't know if I'm even doing it justice in this writing, if you are able to see/feel the difference, but for me it was like having another blinder pulled from my eyes.
At every turn, I'm reminded thru scripture that obedience to Christ is key, that loving Him and being in relationship w/ Him is key, and I'm always longing to be more of Him, less of me yet I've been struggling with the machine of religion or institution of church. And I felt the question rising, In the machine of religion aka church as this world runs it - is He there? I know it says in scripture that where ever two or more are gathered in His name, He is there. But is Sunday morning church and all that goes along with it today where He would be or did He have something different in mind for us all when it was written in Hebrews 10:25 Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
Is He calling me out of something that has become an idol unto itself? Is He wanting me to do the radical thing, leave the man-made church and to change/simplify my meeting with fellow believers, praising Him, encouraging fellow believers, sharing the Good News with the lost by more opportunities given to do "life" alongside them, and break the cycle for my children of misplaced devotion?
I can't shake this thought that our generation is blind to how far off the track we are, just as so many in the 1700's church were off track. I don't want to be off track, I don't want to be blind to truth and overwhelmed by the odds against me to not change.
Even as I put these thoughts down, I'm hesitant, not wanting to be used by the enemy to bring more division and confusion to the body of Christ, the true Church, the Bride of Christ. More than anything, my heart longs to have the body of Christ be a lampstand for the lost, to be more of Him and less of us. Please hear that and may God forgive me if my thoughts in the woods cause anyone to stumble. I would greatly appreciate your prayers as I continue to seek His wisdom and direction. I would also appreciate correction based on scripture if you feel so led.
Prayer of Continual Repentance
O God of Grace,
Thou hast imputed my sin to my substitute,
and hast imputed his righteousness to my soul,
clothing me with a bridegroom’s robe,
decking me with jewels of holiness.
But in my Christian walk I am still in rags;
my best prayers are stained with sin;
my penitential tears are so much impurity;
my confessions of wrong are so many aggravations of sin;
my grieving the Spirit is tinctured with selfishness.
I need to repent of my repentance;
I need my tears to be washed;
I have no robe to bring to cover my sins,
no loom to weave my own righteousness;
I am always standing clothed in filthy garments,
and by grace am always receiving change of raiment,
for thou dost always justify the ungodly;
I am always going off into the far country,
and always returning home as a prodigal,
always saying, Father forgive me,
and thou art always bringing forth the best robe.
Every morning let me wear it,
every evening return in it,
go out to the day’s work in it,
be married in it,
be wound in death in it,
stand before the great white throne in it,
enter heaven in it shining as the sun.
Grant me never to lose sight of
the exceeding sinfulness of sin,
the exceeding righteousness of salvation,
the exceeding glory of Christ,
the exceeding beauty of holiness,
the exceeding wonder of grace.
{Valley of Vision via Seeking Him blog}
Thou hast imputed my sin to my substitute,
and hast imputed his righteousness to my soul,
clothing me with a bridegroom’s robe,
decking me with jewels of holiness.
But in my Christian walk I am still in rags;
my best prayers are stained with sin;
my penitential tears are so much impurity;
my confessions of wrong are so many aggravations of sin;
my grieving the Spirit is tinctured with selfishness.
I need to repent of my repentance;
I need my tears to be washed;
I have no robe to bring to cover my sins,
no loom to weave my own righteousness;
I am always standing clothed in filthy garments,
and by grace am always receiving change of raiment,
for thou dost always justify the ungodly;
I am always going off into the far country,
and always returning home as a prodigal,
always saying, Father forgive me,
and thou art always bringing forth the best robe.
Every morning let me wear it,
every evening return in it,
go out to the day’s work in it,
be married in it,
be wound in death in it,
stand before the great white throne in it,
enter heaven in it shining as the sun.
Grant me never to lose sight of
the exceeding sinfulness of sin,
the exceeding righteousness of salvation,
the exceeding glory of Christ,
the exceeding beauty of holiness,
the exceeding wonder of grace.
{Valley of Vision via Seeking Him blog}
Help Me to Judge Rightly
Lord, help me to judge others as I want them to judge me:
Charitably, not critically,
Privately, not publicly,
Gently, not harshly,
In humility, not pride.
Help me to believe the best about others, until facts prove otherwise—
To assume nothing, to seek all sides of the story,
And to judge no one until I’ve removed the log from my own eye.
May I never bring only the Law, to find fault and condemn.
Help me always to bring the Gospel,to give hope and deliverance,
As you, my Judge and Friend, have so graciously done for me.
[from Justin Taylor via Seeking Him blog]
Charitably, not critically,
Privately, not publicly,
Gently, not harshly,
In humility, not pride.
Help me to believe the best about others, until facts prove otherwise—
To assume nothing, to seek all sides of the story,
And to judge no one until I’ve removed the log from my own eye.
May I never bring only the Law, to find fault and condemn.
Help me always to bring the Gospel,to give hope and deliverance,
As you, my Judge and Friend, have so graciously done for me.
[from Justin Taylor via Seeking Him blog]
Multitude Mondays
21. Candles burning on the kitchen table
22. Great books - Mark of Lion series by Francine Rivers
23. Warm Annie who sleeps at my feet
24. hearing Nate & our neighor, Allie, playing happily in the basement
25. good books we read as a family - most loved right now is A Child's Geography
26. making adorable nuthatch cards on Friday night with a friend who's found her card-making creativity again - Thank the Lord!
27. time spent this past weekend at Portage Lake for the MSU-U of M game - especially time with my sister's family - I see so much love in them
28. Craig - being so ready to play football with his LITTLE cousins who crack stupid jokes and look up at him with wide grins, waiting for him to take them down!
29. deep fried turkey - juicest turkey I've ever had!
30. the unsettling questions God has me struggling with right now about His vision for the Body of Christ and how does Sunday Church fit into that whole idea, puts me exactly where I want to be - spending time at His feet - seeking Him
31. bow season - not for myself - but for my husband and boys - watching them get all geared up to go out yesterday, gone for hours until way after dark and then hearing about how the racoon was climbing right in a tree in front of them, or the flying squirrel that explored the tree near them - what a sweet time listening and watching the beautiful world their heavenly Father created for them
32. Nator staying dry last night and actually getting up of his own accord in the middle of the night to go potty!
33. my kids all love Shawn McDonald's music now and that is what is always being played on the house - love hearing them (from the oldest down to the youngest) singing the lyrics
22. Great books - Mark of Lion series by Francine Rivers
23. Warm Annie who sleeps at my feet
24. hearing Nate & our neighor, Allie, playing happily in the basement
25. good books we read as a family - most loved right now is A Child's Geography
26. making adorable nuthatch cards on Friday night with a friend who's found her card-making creativity again - Thank the Lord!
27. time spent this past weekend at Portage Lake for the MSU-U of M game - especially time with my sister's family - I see so much love in them
28. Craig - being so ready to play football with his LITTLE cousins who crack stupid jokes and look up at him with wide grins, waiting for him to take them down!
29. deep fried turkey - juicest turkey I've ever had!
30. the unsettling questions God has me struggling with right now about His vision for the Body of Christ and how does Sunday Church fit into that whole idea, puts me exactly where I want to be - spending time at His feet - seeking Him
31. bow season - not for myself - but for my husband and boys - watching them get all geared up to go out yesterday, gone for hours until way after dark and then hearing about how the racoon was climbing right in a tree in front of them, or the flying squirrel that explored the tree near them - what a sweet time listening and watching the beautiful world their heavenly Father created for them
32. Nator staying dry last night and actually getting up of his own accord in the middle of the night to go potty!
33. my kids all love Shawn McDonald's music now and that is what is always being played on the house - love hearing them (from the oldest down to the youngest) singing the lyrics
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