Last night I was inspired to blog about my dear husband and his facial hair. I don't know about those reading this, but for me, Ted's facial hair is something I love (I know I'm going to be revealing how shallow I am in this too) and miss at times. The photos below are the way Ted has groomed his facial hair for most of our years together. Classic goatee...sometimes closely cut, sometimes longer, but always simply stated.
Sometimes he would "add" to this look by increasing his sideburns. Okay....Still simple and handsome (maybe a little crazy on the head hair though).
But then we've hit some radical years. Some may explain it away by saying Ted's been going through an identity crisis, but I know my husband much better than that! He knows who he is and rarely is insecure....
The first change from the normal facial hair began with what I and the kids call the Todd Jones look (Detroit Tigers pitcher).
He's come back to this look a few times over the past couple of years, even though I've given my opinion on it. One such time was when he came home from Costa Rica. Now wives, imagine having your husband gone for a week, you are anxiously awaiting him walking in the door and when he does...there you have it. (I can't be the only wife that would've been like freaked out!)
Much to my relief, he's always reverted back to the Classic goatee....
Then we've dabbled with full beard, I can't argue with that.
But the Easter morning of this last year, after I'd already left for church and was waiting for him there, he showed up with his newest look.
I just laughed and shook my head. Who's husband does this??????? Obviously, I'd grown accustomed to the look by my expression in this picture taken later in the Spring.
Then this past summer the look was tweeked a little....
Be honest, isn't the first thought in your mind Coronel Sanders? Look at how happy the man is though!
This next photo isn't going to do justice to the next style....imagine just letting everything grow from the previous'd get a combination of beard/goatee....
Now I have to stop right here and say I love my husband! He is a great provider, he's affectionate, a great dad, husband, and he makes me laugh. Need I say more? Last night, about 10:30p.m. I could hear the sounds of shaving going on in the upstairs bathroom. My heart kind of lurched in my chest, but I calmed my fears by telling myself that I've made it very clear to him what I like and don't like......
Now, I never said my husband was a good listener....
This is the man who met me coming out of the bathroom last night
Now, I've gotta tell you, Ben is standing next to me and hasn't seen Dad's new look and when the picture flashed up, Ben exclaimed, "Wow! What the..." Other comments from the kids "Kinda looks like Brandon Inge" "Kinda creepy"
The scene of the crime...
I can handle a lot, but I must confess, I can't handle the missing mustache! Ted thought it was funny, but I couldn't even look at him and to have him kiss me????? Totally weird feeling his bare face!
This morning in my quiet time, I asked God to forgive my shallowness, to change me and help me to focus on the inside of people and not the outside, and I've thanked Him for using Ted to teach me this lesson. (Then I asked Him to do a little miracle for me and grow Ted's facial hair back before tonight.)