Last Saturday, Madeline, Nate, myself, my brother, and the Weldon family went to go see Tim Hawkins in concert! He was great! He started off by coming out with a surgical mask over his face, and proceeded to tell us in a garbled language that he doesn't want to catch the Swine Flu. He had us cracking up and I would be so occupied with laughing that I'd forget to take pictures!

My favorite parts of his act were when he talked of going to the eye doctor and getting the glaucoma test and the "lil' puff of air I'm going to shoot into your eye", (I wish I had gotten a picture of him rolling on the floor for that one!) talking about how violent his little boys are in comparison to his girl,

and when he spoke of how he hates the hello time in church so he does this quick circle with his hand out and sits down! Amen brother!!! He sang many songs, including the Samson & Delilah song.

And of course, when he was playing his guitar, my brother and I were trying to use the camera to determine what kind of guitar he had (I think we came to the conclusion that it was a Breedlove).
Our evening also had a little humor of it's own before we even arrived at the concert. We stopped off at McD's to grab a bite to eat and Carl and I were sharing a little table. I noticed Carl didn't have a lid on his TALL ice tea and asked him why. He said he likes to see it and I said, "Man, what if you spill it?" Fast forward 10 minutes, just after Carl returns from getting his TALL ICE tea refilled and Maddie asks me to get her more to drink. I stand up and attempt to leave, but bump my tray - which in turn bumps Carl's tray and all of his ICE tea goes all over his lap! All he could do was gasp and look at me with incredulous eyes, while all I could do was say I was sorry and laugh. Then he uttered the famous question, "What were you doing anyway?" And I uttered a woman's famous line, "I told you to put a cap on it!"
All fun aside though, Tim said something that night that I thought was cool - he said,
"We are the CHURCH - when we leave - it's not people leaving the church, but it's the CHURCH leaving a building."
1 comment:
Lucky! Tim Hawkins! How fun is that! Can't wait to hear more about it! Glad that Carl went with you.
Love the "I told you..." line! Will they ever learn?!
(have you noticed that I love to use "!"?)
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