179. Dysarts letting us use their vehicle while we get our car fixed
180. Maddie coming down this morning, during my quiet time, waiting expectantly in front of me, I skootched over and in she squeezed, next to me in "my chair"
181. Jake playing with me on Sundays...his style and expression add so much to the songs we play....I play guitar, but he PLAYS guitar
182. a laundry room littered with 5x the wet mittens, hats, boots, snowpants and coats.....you know the smell wet mittens make too....as much as the mess drives me crazy - my heart warms to see the signs of children and fun
183. Les Miserables audiobook, knitting, children gathering around - enraptured by the story
184. curling ribbon - loved doing it as a kid and now I'm teaching my children to do it
185. snowball fights
186. growth....each time I stand in my kitchen, I'm amazed by the new growth on plants that were near death when I got them, remembering all the leaves that fell off the first few days and how I doubted the plants were going to live, and to now see the new growth shooting and growing towards the light....how alike we are to these plants....dead to our sin, dying without His touch and then we receive it and go thru seasons of shedding our sins, while at the same time our growth is doggedly moving towards Him, just like the plant growing towards the light..
187. God's lessons in the insignificant, the plant, the messy laundry room, the whispers in my soul convicting me of my sinful heart and attitude towards others
188. making gifts for others...it is a labor of love
189. grandparents who take the kids for "24 hours" so I can hole up and tackle Christmas projects
190. Rachelle, my niece, who upon hearing how many fleece blankets I still had to finish, came over and sat around my table for ~3 hours to help me finish them...she has such a loving heart
191. this list...when I started it, I had to "work" at seeing 10 things I was thankful for....now it's hard to stop at 10. In and of itself is a blessing because every day I'm looking for things I'm thankful for and feel as if my eyes are opened to God more and more because of it
192. Allie coming to church with us....so cute to see her sitting in the row with my children...once worship is over and I'm sitting near them, up she crawls onto my lap..
193. feeling God's blessing on my worship time this past Sunday
194. the bigfoot captured on film in our woods