1126. Hearing Nate's voice speaking the Word out loud...soaking it in and cherishing the moment, only to laugh out loud when he ends with, "What?? I don't get this!"
1127. Watching and hearing chickadees and nuthatches after I found some extra birdseed in the garage
1128. Yummy Venison Stew recipe given to my friend, Amy B....now I have another use for all the venison burger we have
1129. Feeling of a burden being lifted as one last painting job is done to complete the Home insurance claim....there is a light at the end of the tunnel!
1130. Paul Davis Restoration, Sunshine Bettelton and Farmers Insurance
1131. Wonderful night studying God's Word. Makes me wanna shout, GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME, ALL THE TIME GOD IS GOOD!
1132. Free of baseball and soccer, allowing us to be home, had a family dinner, then sat together in living room, reading and doing our own things... So thankful
1133. So thankful for a Saturday cleaning family! Some day, my daughters-in-laws are gonna love me because their husbands will know how to sweep, mop, dust from top to bottom. Thankful for clean home and willing children.
1134. Thankful for family that came out to celebrate with us the official opening of our new church building and Dansville Christian Youth Center. Also thankful for seeing Allie this am and having her sit with our family! Thankful for time to bless God's name with song and friends! Thankful for warm house, good food, family, laughter and Hobbit riddles:)
1135. Thankful for joy on Maddie's face because she finally proved to her dad that she can consistently pull her bow, so he took her hunting. She was stoked! Also thankful for beautiful fall day, walking down Crocus trail to pick Allie up from the bus stop and her chatter the whole way back:)
1136. Thankful for kids on the mend, old trampoline that we bought do many years ago for $50 from the Hummels and have had to have it redeem three times because the kids love it so much, the lion flip that Ben showcased for me and made me laugh as he posed like Alex the Lion:)
1137. Thankful for co-op and friends we've made there. Also thankful for buddies down the road, the Dysarts. God has truly blessed us over the years with so many wonderful homeschooling families to learn and laugh and grow with.
1138. Thankful for Saturdays where we don't have sporting things to take us away all day....Saturday cleaning done, nap taken, games played, and time with good friends
1139. Thankful today for God's work within my kids....I can see his fingerprints all over them and it makes me wanna dance and give Him all the glory. Today as I led worship at our church, looked out and saw Maddie-belle lost in her own moment with her creator, eyes closed, hands lifted to honor Him, not caring what others would think of her but totally focused on HIM! Jake thanking me after worship for pushing him to take his eyes off self and give and serve for The Lord and for not giving up on him when he is being difficult. Zeke's heart to be faithful to God in the details, the little things if life...guarding his tongue in all matters, being kind to those that are ignored or avoided and teaching us all to speak in love. Benny's teasing, laughter and kindness when someone "needs a hug". He is the one to give it. Nater....today ready to apologize on his own, without me having to preach it to him after he lost it with his sister.
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