Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Love is Here

This past weekend, my brother, Carl, and Jake played at the Good Friday Service in Dansville. They played Love is Here by Tenth Avenue North and it was so awesome! Below is the video of them practicing before the service.

What surprised me was how nervous Carl was when the time came! He is such an awesome guitarist and has such a beautiful voice, I never imagined he would be nervous. He was amazed at how "Joe Cool" Jake was about the whole thing!

It has been such a blessing these past few months to spend time with my brother and for my children to hang out with their uncle. I sometimes find myself understanding the happiness the father felt when his prodigal son returned because for so many years it has felt like Carl's been lost to our family. Prayers do get answered though and these past 6 months are a good example of how God can take a difficult time in his life and bring good out of it. Carl has renewed his walk with God and as a family, we rejoice in the time spent with him.

Anyways, I played along with them whenever they practiced, so on Easter Sunday I got the opportunity to play it with Jake for our church service! I absolutely loved it! Jake seemed more nervous there and sang very softly, so I was trying to sing softer so I wouldn't dominate, so I'm not sure if anyone heard the words - but I'll never forget it. It may not be as cool for him to play with me, but it is definately cool for me to play with him and worship God together! Love is Here - not only God's love, but family relationships!

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