My sister, Charissa, and I have gotten together about every 2 weeks since Jake was a little baby. We had lived up near them in Grand Rapids at that time and when we moved away, we were determined to stay close and to give our children the opportunities they needed to be close as well. So it has been a tradition we've kept for going on 12 years!
A few weeks ago, we spent the day up at their house and tackled the project of making bible covers for my husband, my brother, and myself. If you've never met Charis, let me share she is amazing! She can do anything she sets her mind to and this was something she decided she could make. We worked all day long until about 7p.m. hammering holes and attaching rivets, cutting and sewing the leather, and then dying it.
While we were doing this, the boys were playing guitar and having nerf wars, while Chaney and Maddie played games and made muffins together. My children just adore their cousins!
This visit was followed a few weeks later by a visit from the Townsends during their spring break. They spent the night and we had so much fun! Our time consisted of everything we all love - music, pictures, James Bond, Memory, Suduko, Spongebob Uno, guns, knives (okay those are things the boys love), listening to Chaney play the Thunder song on the piano, Jake singing his Transformer song, adventuring out in the woods and freeking our neighbors out about the "boys walking around with bb guns" (okay - another thing the boys love), making calazones together and enjoying them with delicious slush and Madagascar 2.
1 comment:
Thank you Charlene for your kind words! Guess what? I love you and your family! (just in case you didn't know!) I am so blessed by the time we get to spend together! We have an awesome God that had it all planned out before the creation of the world! Wow! How can we not trust Him with our lives and our futures!
Love you!
(bring on the automatic deoderant!)
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