555. time to read the Word with my kids....giving life to them and me...shaping us all as we run the race to Him
556. piano keys tinkling and hearing creativity flowing from both Jake & Madeline
557. time with Weldons this last weekend....catching up, just SEEing one another
558. honesty in prayer....I'm so thankful that God wants to hear my heart and doesn't get upset with me when I ask for Him to change circumstances....and then thankful for my acceptance in the end...how freeing it is to be heard and then to leave the decision up to Him
599. time with my sister on Friday...hanging out...it's the best!
600. Tuesdays because it brings drum lessons, pizza, and friends
601. signs of spring....it amazes me how it makes my chest feel close to bursting
602. the opportunity to care for another little one - baby Gorrell - may God use me in her life
603. devotion time with the worship team
604. pets....they bring so much laughter into our lives....looking at these pictures one would question who rules around here anyway
605. baseball...going into this season I've been filled with dread for what it will mean to our family and the pace of life we'll be leading, but I'm so thankful that God seems to have given me a peace in the chaos now and I see daily how He is using baseball to grow me and the boys in our walks - God is sooo cool
606. God-given friends....enjoying our last Thursday at their home on Rolfe Rd.... tears and hearts shared, but joy and fun too
607. tough little pansy that grows back this spring, even though it's not meant to...makes me wonder if I have that kind of perseverance in my life when God calls me to something
608. peace that only comes from Him....these past few weeks there has been numerous times when I've felt fearful of losing friendships, of health issues, of my shortcomings, of the future....but each time so far I've been able to cling to the knowledge that God is sovereign....nothing, NOTHING happens that He has not foreseen and He loves me, so there is nothing, NOTHING to fear.

1 comment:
Love your list! Isn't it funny how the very things we dread really aren't that bad at all... mostly when we are looking at them from what God is doing in them!?!
He is sooo cool!
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