877. worshipping this Sunday with Jake on the keyboard
878. Dysart family who let us borrow keyboard and drumset to use at HUB
879. Holy Spirit prompting me to challenge the boys to do something "radical" - to ask adult leaders at quizzing to allow time for discipleship. God already has them in a group of peers and they are already in the Word (thru memorization), but the Holy Spirit has been laying it heavy on my heart that we all are missing the opportunity to disciple one another... The boys loved the idea but have doubts as to the response they'll get. Please be in prayer for them that the Holy Spirit would be softening the leaders hearts to hear..."for those that have ears, let them hear".....
880. blisters on both hands from playing drums....Ted got the drumset all in working order again and the excitement that followed led to Isaiah and Nate getting blisters from the sticks!
881. celebrating Benjamin's 11th birthday with friends....played at the Aunt Cheryl's pool, made calazones & slushies, watched movies....stuffed ourselves so much we had to postpone the cookie-cake and icecream to Sunday morning breakfast!
882. faithful buddies
883. time out to shop for school stuff with Amy B....sitting in B&N drinking coffee and talking like old times
884. crazy-fluffy hair
885. Grandpa Sinnaeve coming to so many baseball games to sit with us and encourage the kids
886. Tony, Leaha & Lauren coming to church....love spending time with them
887. playing Ga-Ga at church property at VBS....Matt S. & I have the kids a run for their money! It is so much fun and addicting.
888. cute message on the machine from cousin in G.R....."Jake, I got my Tellie....holding it right now...call me!" and then listening to the boys talk to him.....love their relationship and how much they love each other....