I think what I loved about it the most, was watching my children "worship" without thought and concern of what others around them were doing - and it was WORSHIP - not singing for singing sake, but singing to the Lord!
The opener band was Glorious Unseen, although most of the night I thought it was Robbie Seay Band - they were hard to understand so that explains my confusion. David Crowder is awesome at engaging the audience and the words to all the songs were displayed behind him, so everyone could sing along, whether they knew the songs or not!
I think I appreciate more and more when you see/listen to a Christian artist and there is no doubt that Christ is the most important message they have to share because of everything they say and do. Maybe this is such a focus for me as my boys begin to branch out in the style of music that they enjoy and we encounter artists who are played on Christian radio stations or talked about among their peers as Christian Rock groups, yet when I listen to them I cannot hear mention of God in their songs or when I read their cd inserts He is missing completely too. It has become a challenge for myself and my boys - To live each day and have Christ be what others see when they see us. It reminds me of a verse that has been my daily prayer for so long - "He must become greater; I must become less." John 3:30
Super cool to see the kids be free, no worry about who is around and may be looking. You have done a good job w/ them, their hearts are so true to God. So on a lighter note....Sooo, am I the only dork who puts their "real name" on these thingy's? Look's like I'm a Laaa-hooo-za! Hey Daph, do you like my picture? I am twins w/ the other "follower". Nifty.
You are soooo funny! You crack me up - maybe that could be your code name "Laaa-hooo-za" (I know I'm evil)
I keep going up and looking at the "Followers" and cracking up - seeing you in one! Dang - you're funny!
Pleaz, I beg of you....insert the "booger picker picture" you took of me. Then it will be obvious that I am a total nerd and just like to have fun...ka-ching!
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